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部落格: Blog2
  • 作家相片Tingting Kao

Theoretical Framework

The Elaboration Likelihood Model describes the change of attitudes, and how attitudes are formed, and reinforced by persuasive arguments. When persuader is presented with information, “elaboration” will be taken place in receivers’ mind in order to evaluate the message. The Elaboration Likelihood Model has two major routes to persuasion: the central route and the peripheral route. The model of the Elaboration Likelihood Model is shown in Figure 1 which depicts two types of persuasion how attitudes are developed from receivers.

Central route/systematic occurs when people have motivations and abilities to think about persuasive information, she or he is willing to do central processing. In other words, if your audiences care about the message, they are willing to pay more attention and consider the quality and strength of messages. However, if people misunderstand or are distracted about this topic, they will lack the ability to do so.

The peripheral/heuristic route means that when listeners pay attention on secondary factors, like visual appeal and presentation, such superficial cues, but less focus on the main messages. For example, people believe experts’ insights and sources. To figure out the difference between central and peripheral route processing, in the following four videos will analyse the contents and messages in order to get more insights.

Figure 1: The Elaboration Likelihood Model.Publisher from Paul Long

Besides, persuasion influencing behavioural changes in consumers is really about psychology. For understanding how the mind works, it will utilise Robert Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion in this analyse. There are Reciprocation, Scarcity, Authority, Consistency (commitment), Liking, and Consensus (social proof). In terms of Reciprocation, people naturally feel obliged to receive other people’s special treats, discounts, concessions, and the customers have high chances to treat the counterpart as the persuaders have treated them. The second is Scarcity, when people believe a product is in short supply, and they will assume this product as more precious and more attractive. Authority, people, there is a tendency to obey authorities, experts and celebrities without questions. The next is Consistency (commitment). People have a deep need to be seen consistent. When people established the commitment with their self-image, they are more likely to go through and deliver the commitment. Liking, people are influenced by someone they like, and they are not easy to say no to that. Furthermore, there is a tendency to say yes to someone who has similar opinions and ideas. The final one is Consensus (social proof). People observe other people’s actions and determine their own.

In order to identify the reason why the videos are attractive for audiences, three questions are included in this research paper:

What messages appeal audiences in these short videos?

What feelings audiences have, when watching these short videos?

Which persuasive principles are applied in these short videos?

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